Okaih, are you ready??
After i ve told you have to run Dev C++ , the only thing that we should do now is CODING. Don't copy and paste right away. But try to write the coding by yourself.
// Our First Program : Hello world I love Programming
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "This is my first lesson to bring some output from my program"<<endl;
cout << "Programming is cool"<<endl ;
return 0 ;
Try to compile & run the code using F9.
You will have this output
Ok .. But I havent explain yet what the purpose of each written coding. So we will go one by one ><
- This line shows that we want to comment on our coding for some certain reasons. For this program i commented "Our Firs Program ......................" so that i myself know that this program is my first program and what is it about. The compiler wont execute any line that started with // or /* and end with */
- Other comment example
- //This program is about calculating area of circle (use for single line comment)
- /* This program is written by Alia */ (use for multiple lines comment)
2) # include <iostream>
- # means preprocessor directives
- Preprocessor read your program and only executes lines beginning with a # symbol
- #include means to include the contents of another file in the program . As u learn along you ll understand what this coding crapping about :D
- <iostream> means to include Input output file , and allow program to use the input output function such as cin>> OR cout<<
3) using namespace std; - to organize the names of program entities.
4) int main ()
- marks the beginning of a function.
- int : indicates that the function sends an integer value as a return value.
5) { (Open Curly braces) and (Closed Curly Braces) }
- While writing coding we have to write the programming statements inside block of Curly Braces
6) Programming statements
cout << "This is my first lesson to bring some output from my program"<<endl;
cout << "Programming is cool"<<endl ;
- This statement using the cout function to display the written statement. It is important to ensure that the strings are written in double quoted marks " "
7) system("pause") : means to let the display pause for a while. Do not terminate the program right away after
executing it.
8) return 0 : means the function returns value of 0